DES-7200 Configuration Guide Chapter 10 MSTP Configuration
Command Function
DES-7200(config)# spanning-tree
portfast bpdufilter default
Enable BPDU filter globally.
DES-7200(config)# interface
Enter the interface configuration mode. A
legal interface contains a physical port and
an aggregate link.
DES-7200(config-if)# spanning-tree
Enable portfast on this interface before the
bpduguard configuration takes effect
DES-7200(config-if)# end
Return to the privileged EXEC mode.
DES-7200# show running-config
Verify the configuration.
DES-7200# copy running-config
Save the configuration.
To disable BPDU Filter, execute the no spanning-tree portfast bpdufilter
default command in the global configuration mode.
To enable or disable BPDU Filter on an interface, execute the spanning-tree
bpdufilter enable command or the spanning-tree bpdufilter disable
command in the interface configuration mode.
10.4.6 Enabling
To configure Tc_Protection, execute the following commands in the global
configuration mode:
Command Function
DES-7200# configure terminal
Enter the global configuration mode.
DES-7200(config)# spanning-tree
Enable Tc-Protection
DES-7200(config)# end
Return to the privileged EXEC mode.
DES-7200# show running-config
Verify the configuration.
DES-7200# copy running-config
Save the configuration.
To disable Tc_Protection, execute the no spanning-tree tc-protection
command in the global configuration mode.