DES-7200 Configuration Guide Chapter 5 System Upgrade Configuration
5.4 C
ommon Upgrade
5.4.1 L
oss of Main Program of
aster Management Board
The user may accidentally delete the boot/main program of the file system, and the
system will give the following warning information:
Warning: System boot file firmware.bin is missing.
Ho t
in w bsequent use, the system will prompt:
*Aug 25 13:21:50: %UPGRADE-3-DISPATCH_FAIL: Dispatch program to slot 3 failed.
wever, if he user doesn't notice such loss of main program and dynamically
line card during the su
serts a ne
The aforementioned prompt and function are only supported by
products running 10.4(2) or higher version.
5.4.2 Unsupported Line cards
If the line card detected be device is not supported by the current software version,
the system will prompt:
be supported, then the
current software shall be upgraded.
*Jan 2 00:00:39: %UPGRADE-4-CARDNOTSUPPORT: The linecard in slot [dec/dec/...] is
not supportted by current version.
In such a case, support to such type of line card as specified in the release of current
software version shall be verified. If this line card needs to
The potential problem of degra
version software ma
ding is: line card supported by higher
y not be supported by the degraded software
version. In such a case, when using "copy tftp" command to copy
lower version software to the device, the system will give the
following warning:
Warning:7200-24 in slot 1 is not support by firmware.bin