DES-7200 Configuration Guide Chapter 6 BGP
bgp log-neighbor-changes
neighbor remote-as 200
eighbor password ebgp
Router B configuration:
router bgp 200
bgp log-neighbor-changes
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor password ebgp
neighbor remote-as 200
neighbor password ibgp
Router C configuration:
router bgp 200
bgp log-neighbor-changes
neighbor remote-as 200
neighbor password ibgp
6.30.9 Configuring BGP GR
As shown in the following figure, R2 is the border device of AS100 and AS200. R1
is the access device of AS200. In AS100, R2, R3 run OSPF to offer IBGP
connection for the BGP protocol. At the same time, mutual IBGP conneciton is
established among them. R2 establishes an EBGP conneciton with R1. R2 as the
border device connecting AS100 and AS200 requires higher reliability. Here R2 is
configured to support dual-system redundant bakcup for continuous forwrding
and graceful restart of routing protocols (OSPF and BGP in this example). The
graceful restart of routing protocols needs the assistant of adjacent devices.
Hence, R1, 3 and R4 need to support the BGP GR capability, and R3 and R4
need to support the GR Helper of OSPF to support the OSPF GR capabiltiy. In
this way, when one engine of R2 fails, the transmission of data is not interrupted
for higher reliability.