DES-7200 Configuration Guide Chapter 1 Interface Configuration
Temp low Alarm of the low temperature.
Voltage high Alarm of the high voltage.
Voltage low Alarm of the low voltage.
Transceiver info checksum
Transceiver information checksum error.
Transceiver info I/O error Transceiver information read&write error
The following example shows the optical module transceiver diagnosis parameter
on the interface GigabitEthernet 5/4:
DES-7200#show interfaces gigabitEthernet 5/4 transceiver diagnosis
Current diagnostic parameters:
Temp(°C) Voltage(V) Bias(mA) RX power(dBM) TX power(dBM)
36(OK) 3.31(OK) 6.13(OK) -35.64(warning) -5.19(alarm)
The following table shows the optical module transceiver diagnosis parameter:
Field Description
diagnostic information The diagnostic information for the
optical module on the interface.
Current diagnostic parameters Current diagnostic parameters
Temp.(°C) The diagnostic
parameter—temperature, in °C.
Voltage(V) The diagnostic
parameter—voltage, in V.
Bias(mA) The diagnostic parameter—bias
current, in mA.
RX power(dBM) The diagnostic parameter—RX
power, in dBM.
TX power(dBM) The diagnostic parameter—TX
power, in dBM.
OK The current state is normal.
warning The current state is warning.
alarm The current state is alarm.
The alarm and diagnostic parameter can be shown for the optical
module supporting the Digital Diagnostic Monitoring function.