
Getting Started
Main Page Sequence
Getting Started
Confi guring Main Pages
Confi guring Main Pages
Each of the Main Pages may be customized to fi t your navigational needs. You may modify digital data
elds and add additional secondary Functions to each of the Main (Primary) Pages. Factory default and
some optional hardware Main Pages may be added as additional Function windows or “Functions” to
any of the Main Pages. As you add optional hardware to the MFD or Garmin Marine Network, additional
Function choices may appear automatically. You may also display other Functions such as a Compass tape,
Temperature Log (if inputting Garmin or NMEA Sonar data. See page 72), or a Second Map (Map Page
only). Digital data fi elds (Digital 1 and Digital 2) may be changed in size and type of data that is displayed
in each data fi eld. As you add/remove Functions and data fi elds, a preview window shows the layout.
To add/remove Functions to a Main Page:
1. Press and hold the DATA/CNFG key for two seconds. The Confi guration page appears.
2. Using the ARROW KEYPAD, highlight the desired Function to add/remove and press ENTER. Only Func-
tions with checkmarks in the box to the left of the name display on the Main Page. Up to three secondary
Function windows may be displayed on a Main (Primary) Page. Function selections gray out when no more
can be added. The Main (Primary) Page you are adding Functions to always displays either on the left side
(2-3 Function windows) or in the upper left (4 Function windows).
3. When fi nished, press QUIT to return to the Primary (Main) Page.
Map Page with Second
Map and Digital 1
Adjustment Sliders
Confi guration
Map Page with Second Map,
Compass, Video, and Digital 1
Map Page with Second
Map, Video, and Highway
(No Digital Data)
Main (Primary) Page
Main (Primary) Page
Main (Primary) Page