
Getting Started
Main Page Sequence
Find Key
The FIND key allows you to search the unit for user waypoints, map items, and any optional
BlueChart or MapSource information loaded on a data card. Press the FIND key to search for items from
your current location by default. You may also search from other locations. When you press FIND, a list
of available items to search for appears. The default items are Waypoints, Cities, Celestial Information, and
Tidal Information. Additional items, such as Anchorages, Businesses, Navaids, Restricted Areas, Wrecks,
etc., are displayed depending on the optional BlueChart or MapSource data card inserted into the unit. If
you pan around on the Map window and press FIND, the unit centers its search from the point where the
cursor is located. When using BlueChart or MapSource data, your position or the map pointer must be
within the map outline area to search for information from that area.
To fi nd a waypoint or other item from your current location:
1 From any page, press FIND.
2. Using the ARROW KEYPAD, highlight the desired category from the list, and press ENTER. For some
categories, you may need to select multiple subcategories depending on what BlueChart or MapSource
data you have loaded.
3. For Waypoints and Cities, you may search using ‘By Name’ or’ Nearest’. Use the ARROW KEYPAD to
highlight the desired tab. For ‘By Name’, you may select the top fi eld to spell out the name or scroll down
through the list.
4. Some items have a ‘Filter List’ button that allows you to enter letter or numbers of the desired item’s name.
The search results only shows items matching the letters/numbers that are entered. Highlight the ‘Filter List’
button and press ENTER, then enter data as needed to narrow your search.
To fi nd a waypoint or item from another location on the map:
1 From the Map Page, use the ARROW KEYPAD to pan to the desired location and press FIND.
2. Using the ARROW KEYPAD, highlight the desired category from the list and press ENTER.
To view details about an item:
1. With the desired item highlighted in the search results list, press ENTER.
2. The Find Review pages appears showing item information, map location, chart name, distance/bearing, and
options for creating a waypoint or viewing the next item in the search results list.
Find Items List From the
Current Position
You may also start a ‘Find’
from items found on the
Find List or from another
location on the map.
Additional Information Window
Option Buttons
Chart Name
of item
Using the FIND key
Item Description