
Getting Started
Main Page Sequence
You may also change the date to see tide charts for other days and move the time bar on the tide chart
in approximately 5 minute increments to show tide heights at various times on the chart.
To change the date for the tide chart:
1. Using the ARROW KEYPAD, highlight the “On” fi eld and press ENTER.
2. Enter the desired date and press ENTER.
To use the current date:
Highlight the ‘Use Current Date’ button and press ENTER.
To see tide heights at various times on the chart:
1. Highlight the chart fi eld.
2. Press LEFT or RIGHT on the ARROW KEYPAD to change the time and day. The day will change as you
move past the edge of the chart.
Celestial Tab— displays celestial data for sun and moon rise/set, moon phase, and approximate skyview
location of the sun and moon. The moon phase displays the current visible portion of the moon as a light
color. You may display this data for your current position, a position from the map, or a Find item loca-
tion. Also, you may select a different date and time, or use the current date/time. The timetables displayed
are based upon your current time zone.
To choose another position:
1. From the “Celestial” tab, highlight the ‘At’ fi eld and press ENTER.
2. The “Find Celestial Information For” page appears. Make a selection and press ENTER until the informa-
tion for that location is displayed on the Celestial tab. (See page 54 for more information on using the Find
To change the time or date:
1. From the “Celestial” tab, use the ARROW KEYPAD to highlight the ‘Days’ or ‘Hours’ buttons and press
ENTER. Press UP or DOWN on the ARROW KEYPAD to change the Days/Hours. Press QUIT to exit.
or Highlight the “On” fi eld and press ENTER.
2. Enter a new date or time and press ENTER.
3. To return to the current date and time, highlight the ‘Use Current Date/Time’ button and press ENTER.
Main Menu: Tide/
Celestial Tabs
Main Menu— Celestial Tab
Horizon (0°)20°
45°Overhead (90°)
Event Times
You may change the date to see tide
information from other days.