Getting Started
Main Page Sequence
• Setup — allows you to select what waypoints and tracks are shown on the Highway display. Use the
ARROW KEYPAD and ENTER key to select/deselect the desired options. Four options are available:
• Active Route Waypoints— all active route waypoints
• User Waypoints— only nearby waypoints
• Track Log— current active Track Log
• Saved Tracks— any saved Track Logs
Video Page (Optional)
The Video Page only appears if you attach an optional NTSC or PAL composite video source to the
MFD. (See Installation Manual.) You may input up to two different video signals to the MFD. Once
attached, you may change or alternate between video Source, adjust the Aspect, Brightness, Saturation,
and Contrast. You may also adjust which video standard is being input.
The Video Page provides access to functions and features using the Adjustment (ADJ) and/or SOFT
KEY options. The following options are available:
• Source— lets you select input between ‘Video In 1’ and ‘Video In 2’. Choose ‘Alternate’ to have the
unit switch between source at 5, 10, and 30 second intervals.
• Aspect— you may ‘Stretch’ the video input to fi ll the entire frame or use ‘Standard’ to show the
normal view of the video input.
• Brightness— Affects how bright the overall video input appears on the display (0%-100%).
• Saturation— Adjusts the intensity of the colors. High saturation produces bright colors, low
saturation produces washed out colors.
• Contrast— Adjusts the difference between light and dark areas of the video input. The higher the
Contrast, the brighter the video appears.
• Standard (ADJ key only)— Selects the composite video input Standard. Choose ‘Auto’ to have
the unit automatically select the Standard. Choose ‘NTSC’ for NTSC (National Television System
Committee) or ‘PAL’ (Phase Alternate Line) for composite video input. If set to ‘Auto’ and ‘Alternate’
is selected for ‘Source’, a switching delay may be experienced as the unit determines the video
input. Set to the specifi c Standard for best results.
Preview Window
Check or uncheck
the options you wish
to show/hide on the
Highway Page.
Highway Page Options/
Video Page
Highway Page Setup
Optional Video Page
Video Page Adjustments