
Getting Started
Main Page Sequence
Highway Page
Whenever a Go To, TracBack or route has been activated, the GPSMAP 3006C/3010C’s Highway Page
provides digital and graphic steering guidance to the destination with the Navigation Page. The right side
of the Highway Page features confi gurable Digital Data fi elds that display useful navigation data. The left
section of the screen provides visual guidance to the waypoint on a graphic “highway display.” The line
down the center of the highway represents your desired track line.
As you head toward your destination, the highway perspective moves to indicate your progress to
the waypoint and which direction you should steer to stay on course. If you are navigating a route, the
Highway Page shows each route waypoint in sequence connected by a red “road” with a yellow line down
the middle, which is your desired track line. You may also view Routes details, nearby waypoints not in
the active route, Track Log points, and Saved Tracks can also be displayed. The highway perspective range
may also be zoomed in or out to display a larger or smaller view of the highway. Five settings are available
from 1X to 16X, with a default setting of 8X.
To change the highway perspective range:
Press the RANGE UP Arrow to zoom out and the RANGE DOWN Arrow to zoom in.
Many features of the GPSMAP 3006C/3010C are SOFT KEY driven. The Highway Page provides
access to functions and features relating to the Highway Page (or Highway Function window) using the
Adjustment (ADJ) and/or SOFT KEY options.
The available Adjustment (ADJ)/SOFT KEY options are: Active Route Details, Edit Active Route, and
Setup. As you add optional hardware to the MFD or Garmin Marine Network, Adjustments Menu choices
may appear automatically. See page 14 for instructions on selecting Adjustments. You may also customize
the Highway Page to show other Functions (pg. 19) and different sizes/types of Digital Data (pg. 20). Fol-
lowing are details on using each of these options.
Active Route Details (Route Details) — displays details such as distance, course, and other useful
information for each waypoint of the Active Route. See page 50 for more information on viewing and
selecting Active Route information.
Edit Active Route (Edit Route) — allows you to review and modify the Active Route from either a list
of the Route points or a graphically on a map window. See page 51 for more information.
Current Nav
Data Fields
Track Line
Current Position
Zoom Scale
Highway Page
Using the Highway Page
Active Route Details