Getting Started
Main Page Sequence
Getting Started
Using Functions/
Active Function
Functions List
Active Function
Active Function
Using Function Windows
Factory default or optional hardware Main Pages may be added as additional Function windows or
“Functions” to any of the Main Pages. (See pg. 19 for adding Functions.) Once you have confi gured a Main
Page, you can easily cycle through the available Function by pressing the FCTN (Function) key. A yellow
box highlights around the “active” Function. Each time you press the FCTN key, the highlight moves in a
clockwise motion (when three or more Functions are displayed).
To cycle through Main Page Functions:
1. Press the FCTN key. The “Functions” List appears and the next Function on the list highlights.
2. Each time you press the FCTN key, the next Function highlights. Press ENTER when the desired Function is
highlighted. Or, from the Functions List, press the DATA ENTRY shortcut key for the desired Function. Func-
tions that are not currently available appear in gray and may not be selected.
Function Adjustments
Each active Function (except the Compass Tape) has specifi c Adjustment (ADJ key)/SOFT KEY
options and Main Page features. You can use options from the Adjustment menu to activate Adjustments
or features for the active (highlighted) Function. As you add optional hardware to the MFD or Garmin
Marine Network, Adjustments Menu choices may appear automatically. For specifi c instructions on adjust-
ments and features for the highlighted Function, please refer to the specifi c section (or manual) for that
Main Page.
To display the active Function’s adjustments:
1. Press the ADJ key to display the available options window. The Adjustment Menu appears for the
highlighted or active Function.
2. Press the DATA ENTRY shortcut key for an option or highlight it with the ARROW KEYPAD and press
ENTER to select the option.
The DATA key allows you to display the primary view of a Main Page, in a full screen mode, without
Functions, Status Bar, or Digital Data fi elds. Press the DATA key to display a full screen Main Page. Press
the DATA key again to return to the previous view.