Getting Started
Main Page Sequence
• Clear button— allows you to clear the active track log currently stored in memory.
• Defaults button— restores Track Tab settings to factory defaults.
Saved Submenu Tab— manages a list of any saved track logs, allows TracBack activation, map display
of saved logs. The active log stores up to approximately 10,000 track log points, based upon the criteria
specifi ed in the Track settings. Up to 15 track logs may be saved in memory, with up to 700 track log
points in each saved log.
On the ‘Saved’ submenu tab, the following options are available by highlighting a track and pressing
• Delete – deletes highlighted saved track log from memory.
• Delete All – deletes all saved track logs from memory.
To review and edit a track:
1. On the “Saved” Track tab of the Main Menu, highlight the desired track and press ENTER. The Saved Track
window appears.
2. To change the name of the saved track, highlight the name fi eld and press ENTER, make your changes and
press ENTER again.
To choose a Color that is used to display the saved track line, highlight the fi eld and press ENTER, choose a
Color and press ENTER again.
To display the track on the Map and Highway pages, highlight the check box to the left of ‘Show on Map
and Highway’ and press ENTER.
3. To exit, press QUIT or highlight ‘Next’ and press ENTER.
You may also navigate a TracBack from any of the saved tracks on this tab.
To activate a Follow Track from the ‘Saved’ tab list:
1. Using the ARROW KEYPAD, highlight the track you wish to Follow and press NAV.
2. The ‘Follow <track name>’ automatically appears highlighted. Press ENTER.
3. If you wish to invert (navigate it in the reverse direction) the Follow Track, press ADJ/MENU and select
‘Invert Route’.
Reviewing a saved track
The track name automatically appears when
highlighted on the ‘Saved’ list and NAV is
Main Menu: Tracks Tab