8 - 8 Rev A
Dolphin® 9500 Series User’s Guide
Authentication Tab
On the Authentication tab, you configure the WEP encryption key for secure wireless communication.
To use WEP, the encryption key must be configured as part of the profile before connecting. For more information about
configuring a profile, see To Create a New Profile on page 8-6.
Field Description
This drop-down list is active and configurable only when the WEP Key is enabled for the selected
SSID profile. If this drop-down list is active, select one of the following options:
• Automatic based on WEP setting=The algorithm automatically matches the AP's setting.
This is the default selection.
• WECA Compliant (always use Open)=The algorithm should match the AP’s setting for Open.
• Must use Shared with WEP=The algorithm should match the AP's setting for Shared.
Method The options in this drop-down list determine what characters can be used to create the WEP
encryption key in the Encryption Key field. Select one of the following five:
• Disabled=WEP Key is off
• 64 bit (HEX) uses 10 characters in Hexadecimal
• 64 bit (ASCII) uses 5 characters in ASCII
• 128 bit (HEX) uses 26 characters in Hexadecimal
• 128 bit (ASCII) uses 13 characters in ASCII
HEX=Hexadecimal is a set of 16 characters from 0-9 and from A(a)-F(f).
ASCII=Any printable ASCII character can be typed.
Key ID Choose from the available Key IDs: 1 (Default), 2, 3, or 4. Check with your network administrator
for the WEP Key and Key ID you need to use for your network.
Encryption Key Type in the encryption key for your wireless connection. The format allowed in this field depends
on the character set and format selected in the Method field.
*Enable 802.1X This option and drop-down list is active only when the WEP Key is enabled.
Select this option if access to the network needs group authentication, then select the 802.1X
security standard–PEAP or TLS–from the drop-down list.
*Properties Tap the Properties button to choose the certificate that applies. Accessing 802.1x networks
require personal certificates for authentication.
*Please note that 802.11b Settings does not support authentication; therefore, these fields are not active. If you
are using authentication in your wireless 802.11b connection, you must configure that connection in the 802.11b Wireless
Security Supplement. For more information, see 802.11b Wireless Security Supplement on page 8-12.
OK Tap this button to save the profile or changes to the profile.
Cancel Tap this button to close the window without saving or modifying the profile.