8 - 16 Rev A
Dolphin® 9500 Series User’s Guide
Port Menu Options
The port menu enables you to use 802.1X authentication, change the port configuration, or remove it from the port list. If there
are no entries in the Port list, follow the advice in the troubleshooting section to resolve the problem.
Configuring the Client
Each user account needs to define the protocol and the credentials the Client will use to authenticate a user. The Client will need
to be reconfigured if the device is used on multiple networks, or if different users share the computer.
Note: Fields are grayed out if not relevant to the selected protocol.
On the main screen, tap Client > Configure. The Client Configuration screen opens displaying the User tab.
On this tab, You…
User Settings Tab Configure authentication credentials and profiles.
System Settings Tab Set the level of detail that the Client will provide in the system log and zero-config options.
Server Identity Tab Control how the Client authenticates the server that handles the 802.1X protocol on the network side.
This applies only to the TLS, TTLS, and PEAP authentication methods and is used to tell the Client
what server credentials to accept from the authentication server to verify the server.
Menu Item Description
Enable and
These commands enable or disable 802.1X authentication on the port. The port should be
enabled before the protocol is started. Enabling a port is not the same as starting it (see Client
Menu on page 8-14); however, both actions are required for the Client to work.
Configure Opens the port configuration screen
Delete Selecting Delete has no effect on the Dolphin device because you cannot remove the radio
driver from the device.