Dolphin® 9500 Series User’s Guide Rev A
10 - 9
To transmit touchtones for interactive voice systems while in a call, you can
• Tap the 0-9, *, and # buttons on the uPhone Dialler screen.
• Press 0-9 keys on the Dolphin keyboard; use the uPhone Dialler screen buttons for * and #.
Dialler Menus
There are three menus in the Dialler application:
1. Tools—Accesses application tools.
2. Settings—Opens application settings.
3. Help—Opens the About screen.
Tools Menu
The Tools menu provides the following options:
End Held Drops the held call, and continues with the currently active call.
Hide Closes the bubble.
Menu Item Description See Page
Phonebook Displays the Phonebook 10-11
Call Log Opens the Call Log 10-12
SMS Manager Opens the SMS Manager Inbox 10-19
Select Skin Selects a new skin for the uPhone Dialler application. N/A
Configuration Opens the uPhone Configuration control panel. 10-14
Ringtones Opens the ring tone selection control panel. 10-10
Charging Displays call meter values. 10-11
USSD Sends text messages via USSD as opposed to SMS. 10-12
Exit Exit the uPhone Dialler.
Button Tapping this button…