Switch Memory and Configuration
Multiple Configuration Files
■ Erase the active startup-config file. This generates a new, default startup-
config file that always results when the switch automatically reboots after
deletion of the currently active startup-config file. (Refer to “Erasing a
Startup-Config File” on page 6-35.)
Transitioning to Multiple Configuration Files
At the first reboot with a software release supporting multiple configuration,
the switch:
■ Assigns the filename oldConfig to the existing startup-config file (which is
stored in memory slot 1).
■ Saves a copy of the existing startup-config file in memory slot 2 with the
filename workingConfig.
■ Assigns the workingConfig file as the active configuration and the default
configuration for all subsequent reboots using either primary or second-
ary flash.
Figure 6-21. Switch Memory Assignments After the First Reboot from Software
Supporting Multiple Configuration
In the above state, the switch always:
■ Uses the workingConfig file to reboot
The commands described later in this section enable you to view the current
multiple configuration status, manage multiple startup-config files, configure
reboot policies, and override reboot policies on a per-instance basis.