Monitoring and Analyzing Switch Operation
Traffic Mirroring
• [
seq-number] — The (optional) seq-number parameter
sequentially orders the mirroring actions that you
enter in a policy configuration. Actions are executed
on matching packets in numerical order. Default:
Mirroring action statements are numbered in
increments of 10, starting at 10.
• class < ipv4 | ipv6 > <classname > — Defines the
preconfigured traffic class on which the mirroring
actions in the policy are executed, and specifies
whether the mirroring policy is applied to IPv4 or IPv6
traffic in the class. The classname is a text string (64
characters maximum).
• action mirror <session > — Configures mirroring for the
destination and session specified by the session
A packet that matches the match criteria in a class is
mirrored to the exit (local or remote) port that has been
previously configured for the session, where session is a
value from 1 to 4 or a text string (if you configured the
session with a name when you entered the mirror
Prerequisite: The local or remote exit port for a session
must already be configured before you enter the mirror
< session > parameter in a class action statement:
• In a local mirroring session, the exit port is configured
with the mirror <session-number> port command.
• In a remote mirroring session, the remote exit port is
configured with the mirror endpoint ip and mirror
<session-number> remote ip commands.
See “2. Configure a Mirroring Destination on a Remote
Switch” on page B-50 and “3. Configure a Mirroring
Session on the Source Switch” on page B-52 for more
Restriction: In a policy, you can configure only one
mirroring session per class. You can configure the same
session for different classes.
Mirroring is not executed on packets that match ignore
criteria in a class.
The execution of mirroring actions is performed in the
order in which the classes are numerically listed in the
The complete no form of the class action mirror command
or the no <seq-number > command removes a class and
mirroring action from the policy configuration.