
Power-Saving Features
You can verify the status of the savepower command by using the show modules
command or by checking the log messages (for 8200zl and 5400zl switches).
Note If a savepower module <slot-list> or savepower all command is immediately
followed by a no savepower module <slot-list> or no savepower all command,
the first slot in the list is powered down and then brought up.
Configuring the Savepower LED Option
The savepower LED option provides the ability to configure a timer for turning
off the chassis LEDs as well as the configured slot LEDs.There is one system-
wide timer; all the selected slots will have the chassis LEDs turned off for the
same amount of time.
Syntax: [no] savepower led [slot-id] < MM/DD[/[YY]YY] <HH:MM> | now > duration
[HH:<MM> [recur]
Schedules a timer for turning off the chassis LEDs and config-
ured slot LEDs. The LEDs are turned off for the configured time
period and duration.
If a slot is specified, the LEDs for that slot are turned off. This
is enabled by the timer command, however, if a timer is
already running, the feature is enabled immediately.
The all option can be specified for the slot-id. All the switch
LEDs are turned off.
<MM/DD[/[YY]YY] <HH:MM>>: Specifies the date and time to
start the timer.
now: Instantaneously turns off the LEDs. The configured
timer is canceled and all the configured modules go into
power-saving mode immediately.