Port Traffic Controls
The switch does not send more traps or Event Log messages for excess ICMP
traffic on the affected port until the system operator resets the port’s ICMP
trap function. The reset can be done through SNMP from a network manage-
ment station or through the CLI with the following setmib command.
Syntax: setmib hpIcmpRatelimitPortAlarmflag.< internal-port-# > -i 1
On a port configured with ICMP rate-limiting, this command
resets the ICMP trap function, which allows the switch to
generate a new SNMP trap and an Event Log message if ICMP
traffic in excess of the configured limit is detected on the port.
For example, an operator noticing an ICMP rate-limiting trap or Event Log
message originating with port A1 on a switch would use the following setmib
command to reset the port to send a new message if the condition occurs
ProCurve(config)# setmib hpicmpratelimitportalarm-
flag.1 -i 1
Determining the Switch Port Number Used in ICMP Port Reset
Commands: To enable excess ICMP traffic notification traps and Event Log
messages, use the setmib command described on page 13-17. The port number
included in the command corresponds to the internal number the switch
maintains for the designated port, and not the port’s external (slot/number)