
Getting Started
Sources for More Information
Sources for More Information
For information about switch operation and features not covered in this guide,
consult the following sources:
Feature Index—For information on which manual to consult for a given
software feature, refer to the “Software Feature Index” on page xiv.
Note For the latest version of all HP ProCurve switch documentation referred to
below, including Release Notes covering recently added features, visit the
ProCurve Networking manuals web page at www.hp.com/go/procurve/manuals.
Software Release Notes—Release Notes are posted on the HP ProCurve
Networking web site and provide information on new software updates:
new features and how to configure and use them
software management, including downloading software to the switch
software fixes addressed in current and previous releases
Product Notes and Software Update Information—The printed Read Me
First shipped with your switch provides software update information,
product notes, and other information.
Installation and Getting Started Guide—Use the Installation and Get-
ting Started Guide shipped with your switch to prepare for and perform
the physical installation. This guide also steps you through connecting the
switch to your network and assigning IP addressing, as well as describing
the LED indications for correct operation and trouble analysis.
Management and Configuration Guide—Use this guide for information
on topics such as:
various interfaces available on the switch
memory and configuration operation
interface access
IP addressing
time protocols
port configuration, trunking, traffic control, and PoE operation
Redundant management
SNMP, LLDP, and other network management topics