110 Chapter 2
Installing ITO Agents on the Managed Nodes
General Installation Tips for Managed Nodes
If an installation server is already available, and you want to re-install
or upgrade ITO agent software on additional Windows NT nodes, see
“Standard Agent Package Installation” on page 106.
1. Check the “Installation Requirements” on page 101. Make sure that
your systems meet all the listed requirements.
2. Select Window:NodeBank from any sub-map to display the ITO
Node Bank window.
3. Select Actions:Node:Modify… to display the Modify Node
4. Click [Advanced Options] to display the Node Advanced
Options window; the fields below are unique to Windows NT nodes:
• Installation Drive: enter the letter of an NTFS drive with
10 megabytes of disk space for the agent software. If the drive that
you specify does not have enough space, or if you leave this field
blank, ITO will search the available local drives for a disk that has
enough free space.
If you are re-installing the ITO agent software, enter the letter of
the NTFS drive where the agent software was installed.
NOTE If you want to re-install on a different NTFS drive, de-install the ITO
agent software first, and then proceed with the ftp installation.
• Installation Server: enter the complete hostname of the
Windows NT system where you want to install the agent. This
example will use the hostname: ntsystem.com.
• If Service Pack 1 or 2 is installed on your Windows NT version
3.51 or 4.0 managed node, change the communication type from
5. Click [Close] to dismiss the Advanced Options window, then
[OK] to dismiss the Modify Node window.
6. Click the new icon to highlight it, then choose
Actions:Agents->Install/ Update SW & Config… to display
the Install/Update ITO Software and Configuration
7. Under Target Nodes, select [Nodes in list requiring
update], then click [Get Map Selection]; the node name will
appear in the window.