
362 Chapter 9
An Overview of ITO Processes
Understanding ITO Processes
and opcmon(3) API can be used (asynchronously) to
feed the monitor agent with the current threshold
Note that opcmona does not immediately begin
monitoring when agents are started. Instead, it waits
one polling interval, and only then executes the
monitor script for the first time. Typically, polling
intervals are of the order of 30 seconds to 5 minutes.
opcmsga The message agent receives messages from the
logfile encapsulator, the monitor agent, the
console interceptor, the event interceptor and the
message interceptor on the local system. The
messages are forwarded to the message receiver
running on the management server; if the connection
to the management server has been lost, the messages
are buffered locally. The message agent triggers local
automatic actions by forwarding the task to the action
opcmsgi The message interceptor receives and processes
incoming messages. The opcmsg(1) command and
opcmsg(3) API can be used to forward messages into
ITO. Conditions can be set up to integrate or suppress
chosen message types.
opcconsi The MPE/iX console message interceptor is the
message interface for feeding MPE/iX console messages
into ITO. Conditions can be set to integrate or suppress
chosen message types.
opcctla The control agent starts and stops all ITO agents,
and performs ITO self-monitoring tasks. The control
agent is informed of new configuration and
distribution requests by the request sender.
opctrapi The event interceptor is the message interface for
feeding SNMP events into ITO. Conditions can be set
to integrate or suppress selected message types.
ITO Files on Managed Nodes
The location of the files that the various processes use on the managed
node depends on the agent platform as described in Table 9-2 on page