196 Chapter 5
Configuring ITO
Preconfigured Elements
Enter your user name and password in the User Login dialog box
which subsequently appears. See Table 5-4, “ITO User Names and
Passwords” for a list of default user names and passwords for all
preconfigured users.
Table 5-4 ITO User Names and Passwords
In the interests of security, set up a new password using the Change
Password window after logging in to ITO for the first time. The
administrator can also use the Modify User window to change the
password of each configured user.
On HP-UX systems running the HP VUE GUI, you can start the ITO
GUI by opening the System_Admin folder in the Application
Manager window and double-clicking the ITO GUI symbol. A short
introduction to ITO is also available by clicking the ITO symbol in the
System_Info folder of the general toolbox. On HP-UX systems running
the HP CDE GUI, the ITO GUI icon is in the toplevel Application
Manager window. For information describing how to bypass the login
dialog box, see the opc(1) man page.
When a user starts an ITO operator GUI session, the working directory
is defined by environment variable $OPC_HOME (if set) or $HOME. If
neither $OPC_HOME nor $HOME is set, then /tmp is the default working
directory. For more information on access to files and file permissions in
ITO, see “File Access and Permissions” on page 451: for more
information on common ITO variables, see “Variables” on page 291.
Default User Default User Name Default Password
ITO administrator opc_adm OpC_adm
Configurable Configurable
opc_op operator opc_op OpC_op
netop operator netop NeT_op
itop operator itop ItO_op