Chapter 8 351
ITO Language Support
Flexible Management in a Japanese Environment
Flexible Management in a Japanese
If your management server runs with the character set Shift JIS, but
your managed nodes are running with the character set EUC, you must
perform some extra configuration steps; namely you have to manually
convert the MoM configuration file on the management server from Shift
JIS to EUC, enter:
/usr/bin/iconv -f sjis -t euc <mom_orig> > <mom_new>
where <mom_orig> is the name of the original configuration file in Shift
JIS, and <mom_new> is the IP address of the managed node in Hex, as
returned by the command opc_ip_addr.
Alternatively, you can convert the mgrconf file on the EUC managed
NOTE The above conversion can also be applied to the allnodes file if all
managed nodes are running EUC. In mixed environments, that is Shift
JIS and EUC, you have to create node-specific configuration files.