
Chapter 10 393
Tuning, Troubleshooting, Security, and Maintenance
Troubleshooting: Specific Problems
Description B ITO connects to Oracle as user opc_op using OS authentication. Oracle
allows you to define a prefix for OS authentication users. ITO adds the
user opc_op with the assumption that no prefix is used. If you have
defined a prefix, ITO will be unable to connect.
Solution A Check that the file /etc/oratab exists. Check that /etc/oratab is
readable by user opc_op. Check that /etc/oratab contains a line with
your ORACLE_SID. Check that user opc_op is properly setup.
Solution B If no other users of the database use OS authentication, you can change
the prefix:
Add or change the line defining the prefix in the file:
os_authent_prefix = ““
Stop all processes accessing the database
Restart the Oracle database. The new prefix is now active. If other
users also use OS authentication, you can change the prefix used by
ITO as follows:
Destroy the ITO specific parts in the database using:
opcdbsetup -r
Change the following line in the ITO database setup script
/opt/OV/bin/OpC/opcdbsetup to contain the actual value:
Setup the ITO database again using opcdbsetup