
422 Chapter 10
Tuning, Troubleshooting, Security, and Maintenance
Troubleshooting: Specific Problems
RPC Daemon or Local Location Broker Problems and
Problem ITO agent processes cannot be stopped.
Description If you receive a message that some ITO agent processes could not be
stopped, or if you find that agent processes are still running although the
control agent exited, stop all running ITO agent processes.
Solution Stop the processes by executing
Problem Control agent does not come up on node, or ITO error log file contains
errors indicating an NCS or DCE problem.
Description If a registered ITO process stops responding, even though it is running,
there may be a problem with the NCS local location broker daemon
(llbd), or the DCE RPC daemon (dced/rpcd).
Solution For UNIX systems: check that the dced/rpcd is running on the
management server, and that either an llbd or dced/rpcd is running on
all managed nodes.
ps -eaf | grep dced (rpcd)
ps -eaf | grep llbd
You can use the tools rpccp/dcecp to check that rpcd/dced is running.
You can use the tool lb_admin to check whether all registered services
can still be reached or not. For MPE systems: If the problem occurs on
an MPE node, this tool is also available, but under the name
lbadmin.pub.hpncs. In addition, a tool called ncktest.pub.hpncs is
available to check whether NCS is configured properly. The most
important sub-commands for ncktest are:
broker local debug