72 Chapter 2
Installing ITO Agents on the Managed Nodes
General Installation Tips for Managed Nodes
• If the Add/Modify Node window has been used to select the
Automatic Update of System Resource Files option for the
managed node, SYSSTART.PUB.SYS is created or updated, (unless
it already contains a pre-existing ITO entry). It contains the start
sequence for the job stream OPCSTRTJ.BIN.OVOPC, used for
starting the Local Location Broker (llbd) and the ITO agents.
(stream refers to the standard STREAM commands, or to the
node-specific stream utility configured in the administrator’s GUI,
using the Advanced Options window, accessed from the
Add/Modify Node window.) Before ITO agents start up, the
administrator must first ensure that the network services are
running. For an example of this streamed job, see the file:
vendor/hps 900/mpe-ix/A.02.10/sysstrtj.
• You can set your own stream facility in order to improve security
by avoiding hard-coded passwords. See the Node Advanced
Options window, accessed from the Add/Modify Node or Node
Defaults window. If you do this, there are no passwords placed in
the ITO job files, and control over the job is given to your own
stream facility. Alternatively, you may leave the ITO default. If
you leave the default, passwords remain unencrypted and the file
OPCSTRTJ.BIN.OVOPC contains the AGENT.OVOPC password.
• The job OPCSTRTJ.BIN.OVOPC for starting the Local Location
Broker and ITO services requires that the network be up and
running. If you have time constraints, increase the PAUSE value
before starting the llbd in OPCSTRTJ.BIN.OVOPC.
• If you want to use a customer-defined job-stream facility, check the
MPE/iX startup file SYSSTART.PUB.SYS before installation of
ITO A.02.00/01 software. If there is an entry for ITO (the
installation process checks for the keyword 'OperationsCenter'),
that entry won't be modified.
You can modify the line that streams the ITO startup job
OPCSTRTJ.BIN.OVOPC manually so that it won't be changed by
later software installation.
For example, change the line:
<my job-stream facility> OPCSTRTJ.BIN.OVOPC