Chapter 10 383
Tuning, Troubleshooting, Security, and Maintenance
Troubleshooting: Characterizing the Problem
Troubleshooting: Characterizing the
When you encounter a symptom associated with a problem, make a note
of all associated information:
❏ Scope: What is affected?
• Distinguish between management server and managed node
• If you suspect that a problem lies on a managed node, try to
duplicate it on a different node, to find out whether it is
• Distinguish between the administrator GUI and the operator
• If you suspect that a problem lies with an operator, try to test it on
another operator, to see whether the problem can be duplicated.
❏ Context: What has changed? Determine if anything has changed on
your network or with the product configuration:
• Hardware
• Software
• Patches
• Files
• Security
• Configuration
• Name services
• Routing
• Utilization
❏ Duration: How long, and how often? Is the problem consistent (fails
every time) or intermittent (fails only sometimes)?