192 Chapter 5
Configuring ITO
Preconfigured Elements
been forced to take charge of a message in order to carry out actions
associated with that message. In addition, ITO provides different ways to
configure the way message ownership is displayed and enforced.
Ownership Display Modes
There are two ownership-display modes in ITO:
❏ Status propagation
❏ No Status propagation (Default)
If the display mode is set to No Status propagation, a message’s
severity color changes when it is owned or marked. ITO uses the
following default colors to indicate ownership:
Pink messages that are owned by you
Beige messages that are owned by someone else
In addition, a flag indicating ownership appears in the own-state column
(S) in the Message Browser window, and the own-state color bar at the
bottom of the Message Browser window reflects the new number of
messages owned. In this display mode, the status of a message that is
owned or marked is ignored for the purposes of status propagation in the
Managed Nodes, operator Message Group, Node Bank, Node Group
Bank and administrator’s Message Group Bank windows, as well as
the ITO Alarm symbol in the Node Submap.
If the ownership-display mode is set to Status propagation, then the
status of all messages whether they are owned or not is used in reflecting
status propagation in the related symbols of other submap windows. In
this display mode, the only indication that the a message is owned is a
flag in the own-state column in the Message Browser window.
For more information on which flags you might expect to find in the own-
state column and what they mean, see “Understanding the Message
Browser Headline” on page 187. For information on how to go about
setting the ownership and ownership-display modes, see the HP ITO
Administrator’s Guide to Online Information.
Message-ownership Modes
The administrator determines ownership policy by selecting one of the
following default ownership modes allowed in ITO:
Optional The user has explicitly to take ownership of a message.