
Chapter 10 475
Tuning, Troubleshooting, Security, and Maintenance
System Maintenance
Table 10-13 Local Logfiles on HP-UX 10.x, 11.x, and Windows NT Managed
AIX and MPE/iX Managed Nodes
The following table describes where local logfiles reside on managed
nodes running AIX and MPE/iX.
Table 10-14 Local Logfiles on AIX and MPE/iX Managed Nodes
Avoid local logging on MPE/iX managed nodes as far as possible, as this
can slow down your system. This is because of the way in which seeks are
implemented in large MPE/iX files.
Also, check the size of the file OPCMSGLG.LOG.OVOPC regularly and,
after you have done a backup, purge the file. To limit the size of this file
you can also change the value for Max. Size in the Node Advanced
Options window.
Other Managed Nodes
The following table describes where local logfiles reside for managed
nodes running: Digital UNIX, DYNIX/ptx, NCR UNIX SVR4, Olivetti
UNIX, Pyramid DataCenter/OSx, OS/2, SCO OpenServer, SCO
Logfile Windows NT HP-UX 10.x and 11.x
Default Logfile path /usr/OV/log/OpC/<node> /var/opt/OV/log/OpC
ITO errors/warnings opcerror opcerro(1-3) opcerror opcerro(1-3)
ITO messages opcmsglg opcmsgl(1-3) opcmsglg opcmsgl(1-3)
Logfile AIX MPE/iX
Default Logfile path /var/lpp/OV/log/OpC LOG.OVOPC
ITO errors/warnings opcerror, opcerro(1-3) OPCERROR OPCERRO(1-8)
ITO messages opcmsglg, opcmsgl(1-3) OPCMSGLG OPCMSGL(1-8)