Chapter 10 433
Tuning, Troubleshooting, Security, and Maintenance
Changing Hostnames/IP Addresses
6. On your management server for all ITO managed nodes whose
hostname/IP-address you want to change:
a. Use the ping command to update OpenView’s “knowledge” of the
changed hostname and IP address:
ping <new_name>
b. Update the OpenView Topology Database with:
/opt/OV/bin/nmdemandpoll <new_name>
7. Resynchronize the ITO server processes and GUIs:
a. Restart the ITO Administrator’s and Operator’s GUI, using ths
following menu option in any of the main ITO windows:
File: Restart Session
8. If the old hostname is referred to in any ITO templates (such as in the
Node field in the Actions section of the Conditions No. window
for remote automatic actions), perform steps a and b below. You have
to do these workaround steps since opcchgaddr changes only
‘central’ tables containing node information; the internal ID is not
modified. This means the template itself is not changed in the
database. Therefore, the special flag indicating the template has been
modified will not be set. Merely using Force Update will not update
the database since ITO caches the templates as flat files if they have
been distributed once.
a. Force ITO to re-create templates out of the database by removing
cached templates from the last distribution:
cd /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/OpC/mgmt_sv/templates
rm -f ‘find . -type f‘
b. Distribute the modified configuration to all managed nodes using
any template that refers to the modified hostname:
1. In one of the main windows, select
2. In the Distribute ITO Software and Configuration
window, select the component [Templates].
3. Select [Force Update] and [Nodes in list requiring