
Chapter 8 143
io3000 classes and subtests
Table 38 io3000 Class 11 subtests
Subtest Name Description
1100 SCSI tape test
unit ready
Issues a SCSI test unit ready
command to all selected devices at
least three times. This first time the
SCSI bus will have been reset. This is
normal. The command is retried after
approximately one second. The
command is issued again to allow for a
check condition due to the medium
being changed. Many tape drives
require a tape to be installed in the
drive, causing the second test unit
ready to respond with a medium
changed sense status. If the third test
unit ready fails, an error is reported.
The test unit ready command does not
cause a SCSI data phase error to
1105 SCSI tape
Executes a SCSI inquiry command on
every selected device. It verifies the
device type field in the inquiry return
data to be sequential (tape). A SCSI
data in phase error does occur.
1110 SCSI tape
Executes a SCSI rewind command on
every selected device and waits for it
to complete. The rewind command will
not cause a SCSI data phase to occur.
1115 SCSI tape read If only fixed block sizes are supported
or 255 bytes are supported, this test
executes a SCSI read command after
one block. A SCSI data in phase does
occur; no data verification is