Chapter 11 225
Example of dfdutil output when loading
Loading file dfdutil.fw
dfdutil.fw copied successfully, booting
*** DFDUTIL ***
*** DFDUTIL ***
*** ***
*** (C) Copyright Hewlett-Packard Co. 1998 ***
*** All Rights Reserved ***
*** ***
*** This program may only be used by HP support personneland ***
*** those customers with the appropriate Class license or ***
*** Node license for systems specified by the license. HP ***
*** shall not be liable for any damages resulting frommisuse ***
*** or unauthorized use of this program. This program ***
*** remains the property of HP. ***
*** ***
*** ***
Please wait while I load the LIF file from the teststation.
Opening file /spp/firmware/DFDUTIL.LIF
transferring file. (Cursor will spin during Transfer)... |
File name Intended Product ID Rev. Size
---------------- ---------------- ------------- ------ -----
R18CUDA9 SEAGATE ST19171W 0018 257888
R23CUDA9 SEAGATE ST19171W 0023 257888
ST34371W84 SEAGATE ST34371W 0484 276512
GALAX03 DGC C3400WDR5 0315 72864
GALAX04 DGC C3400WDR5 0415 72864
GALX_IBM24 IBM DCHS09F 2433 5872
GALX_IBM53 IBM DCHS09F 5333 5872
ST118273 SEAGATE ST118273WC HP04 303360
ST11827305 SEAGATE ST118273WC HP05 303360
MUX1 HP FC-SCSI_MUX 40_1 2162516
MUX2 HP FC-SCSI_MUX d373 2162516
DVD316 PIONEER DVD303 0016 132594
DVD317 PIONEER DVD303 0016 132594