148 Chapter 8
io3000 classes and subtests
Table 42 io3000 test parameters
Words Description
0 See Table 43.
1 Device write enable mask—Each bit in the mask
corresponds with a device. Bit 0 (MSB or left most bit in the
parameter word) corresponds to device 0, bit 29 corresponds
to the last (29th) device. Device 0 is the first device
parameter location in user parameter word 8 (see Words 8-
19 Device specification below). A binary '0' in a device's bit
field means that SCSI writes (to that disk) are not enabled.
Any test that does SCSI writes will not do so when the disk's
corresponding write enable is turned off (binary '0'). The
subtest will not be completely disabled though. This means
that SCSI reads will still take place, but data verification
will not be performed. The default setting for all disks is
SCSI writes are disabled.
2 Transfer length (class 8 only)
3 Pattern (upper 32 bits)
4 Pattern (lower 32 bits)
5 Random seed
6 Custom SCSI firmware file length—If a custom
(nonsupported) SCSI controller firmware file is used, the
length in halfwords must be entered in this parameter. This
parameter is ignored if the Custom SCSI firmware enable is
not set.
7 Not used.
8-37 Device specification. See Figure 37 on page 150.