
180 Chapter 9
mem3000 error codes
Figure 42 Type one error message format
There are six fields separated by / symbols. The meaning of each field is
as follows:
Field 1—Specifies the on which the failure was detected
Field 2—Specifies the DIMM on which the failure was detected
Field 3—Specifies the failing 40-bit address
Field 4—Specifies the actual 32-bits of data
Field 5—Specifies the expected 32-bits of data
Field 6—Specifies the error as follows:
COH-OP—Coherent operation
DCSR—Diagnostic CSR access
CSR DATA - CSR data mismatch
DECC— ECC mismatch
DTAG—TAG mismatch
DDAT—DATA mismatch
Type two errors
The type two error is used only by subtest 640 which determines what
type of DIMMs are installed on the first EWMB specified.
A type two error is shown Figure 43.
Figure 43 Type two error message format
Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5
Field 6
MBaa_M DM Q0:xxxx Q1:xxxx Q2:xxxx Q3:xxxx
Field 1 Field 2