158 Chapter 8
io3000 error codes
Table 52 io3000 SAGA ErrorCause CSR errors
io3000 SAGA SRAM errors
io3000 SAGA SRAM error codes post the following error message:
Example of io3000 SAGA SRAM error message:
Table 53 shows each io3000 SAGA SRAM error code.
Table 53 io3000 SAGA SRAM errors
Code Description
0x54 SAGA ErrorCause CSR failure.
0x55 SRAM parity error expected. This error occurs when the
cci_rdperr bit in the SAGA ErrorCause does not get set
when SRAM parity errors are forced.
0x58 PCIx status failure.
Code Description
0x60 SRAM access failure. io3000 was unable to successfully
write and read SRAM on the SIOB.
0x61 SRAM march C failures. A failure was detected during the
march C test of SRAM on the SIOB. The range of codes refer
to incremental stages of the march C algorithm as follows:
none - write ~patt (->)
0x61 - read ~patt, write patt (->)
0x62 - read patt, write ~patt (->)
0x63 - read ~patt, write patt (<-)
0x64 - read patt, write ~patt (<-)
0x65 - read ~patt (<-)
0x66 SRAM read access width test failed.
0x67 SRAM write access width test failed.
0x68 SRAM pattern test failure.