
230 Chapter 11
DISPMAP <disk index>
The user may enter the index number of a single device; using no index
number causes DISPMAP to list all devices.
This command will display the bootable device table displayed when
dfdutil is started. If the optional argument [index] is specified, then
only the information for the given index number will be displayed, not
the entire table. This display may not reflect any downloads that may
have been done since the program was started.
The following two examples show output using no index number and one
index number, respectively.
Example output of dfdutil DISPMAP command with no index number
Indx Path Product ID Bus Size Rev
---- -------------- ------------------------------- ------ ------ ----
0 2/0/1.2.0 QUANTUMLP270S disc drive SCSI 258 MB 5909
1 2/0/1.6.0 QUANTUMLP270S disc drive SCSI 258 MB 1234
Indx = Index number used for referencing the device
Rev = Firmware Revision of the device
Note: Due to different calculation methods used, the size
of the device shown is only a rough approximation.
Example output of dfdutil DISPMAP command with one index number
Indx Path Product ID Bus Size Rev
---- -------------- ----------------------------- ------ ------ ----
1 2/0/1.6.0 QUANTUMLP270S disc drive SCSI 258 MB 1234
Indx = Index number used for referencing the device
Rev = Firmware Revision of the device
Note: Due to different calculation methods used, the size
of the device shown is only a rough approximation.