Chapter 8 149
io3000 classes and subtests
Table 43 io3000 user test parameter word 0 bit definition
Bit Description
0-23 Unused
24 Force code copy enable—Setting this bit causes all subtests
that use encached routines to copy the code segment from
flash into main memory. The copy will be performed even if
the previous subtest already performed the copy. This
feature should not be needed unless the code in main
memory is being corrupted in a manner that cannot be
easily detected.
26 Full channel test disable (subtest 650)— Setting this bit
causes subtest 650 to only test channels that are a power of
2, with the addition of channel 1007 (default). This reduces
the run time significantly on this subtest.
28 Multidisk enable (classes 6-7)—Setting this bit causes all
specified disks to be tested in classes 6-7. The default is to
only test the first disk (as specified in the user parameters)
on each controller. Since classes 6-7 do disk transfers
serially, little additional coverage is gained by running the
tests on all the disks.
29 User pattern enable (subtests 215, 240, classes 6-8)—
Setting this bit causes each of the above specified tests to
use the patterns as specified in user parameter 3 and 4,
rather than a hard coded default pattern.
30 Random pattern enable (subtests 215, 240, classes 6-8)—
Setting this bit causes each of the above specified tests to
use subtest specific random patterns, rather than a hard
coded default pattern.
31 March C complete (subtests 210, 235)—Setting this bit
causes each of the above specified tests to do a complete
bitwise march C test on the SRAM. The default is to do a
quick version which takes about 25 percent of the time with
about 99 percent of the coverage.