
Chapter 10 207
Scan test
Running est from command line
SCI test
The sci utility tests the Coherent Toroidal Interface (CTI) cables
between nodes. The term SCI (Scalable Coherent Interface) is often used
in place of the term CTI; the terms are interchangeable.
The usage of sci is as follows:
sci [driver] [receiver] ring test
[driver] Refers to the node and memory board to which the CTI
cable is connected and from which the test data
[receiver] Refers to the node and memory board to which the
other end of the CTI cable is connected and receives
test data.
ring Refers to the CTI ring associated with the cable, either
x or y.
test Refers to the speciļ¬c test: dc, dc_clk, ac. With the dc
test, the clock from the receiver node is used. The
dc_clk test derives its clock from the cable.
The following is an example of sci usage:
% sci 0 mb0l 1 mb0l y dc_clk
This command runs the dc_clk test on the cable connected between
node 0, memory board 1 (driver) and node 1, memory board 1 receiver.