Chapter 11 255
tc_init determines the node ID, ethernet address, and IP address for
all nodes in the complex. This information is then stored in the NVRAM
of all nodes as one 12-byte entry per node. Each 12-byte entry has the
format shown in Figure 54:
Figure 54 tc_init NVRAM entry
In addition, tc_init updates the ARP entries on the teststation by
executing as root. If it can not execute as root, then the following error is
** This utility must be executed as root.
** Please login as root and try again.
tc_init outputs node information shown in the following example.
tc_init samle output
ex-c2-t% tc_init
Node = 0 [index=0]
7-bit node id = 00
Host Name = obp-hw2a-0000
Upper ether addr = 0x000000a0
Lower ether addr = 0xd900adb3
IP addr = 0x0f636fa6 []
ARP delete command = arp -d obp-hw2a-0000
obp-hw2a-0000 ( deleted
ARP add command = arp -s obp-0000 0:a0:d9:0:ad:b3
7-bit node ID
Upper 16-bits ethernet address
Lower 32-bits ethernet address
32-bit IP address