YOLI ffl_y w_it to delete u{tw_fflted s_e_J_s,
Scenes on I)VI)-R disc cannot be deleted, arJd menu item _'l)elete ° w_ll not a[Jpe_ w_th I)_!I)-R d_sc,
1 Press the I)_SC NAVIGATION b_lttl.m. 7 _'resstJ,e ,l,_o,_to
2 Select the scene to be quit.
0 Press the MENU
4c Joose"Delete _ ontfJe
"_(_eIIe" ITleIIU SC.1_eII,
arid then press _e _ll
5 T?Je _'l)elete Scene"
screen will appear: _f
you are sure You w_tt to delete the selec_ted
scene, press th_ I_/ll batten.
Ifyell want to char_ge the scer_eto be deleted,
you can char_geit on this screen,
6 T?le screen fbr verifytng
delet[Orl will appear:
C?loose "YES _, and therJ
press tile I_/11 bttttoii,
•I_yeLt poi_ thecLtr_r at thescene 2obedelsCedotn_AII
Programs _screen, an0 the_ pre_ the DI=LETE b_lten
On remote _nth3l, the _cn_en in step 5 will _ppe_r.
• TOdelete an Ltn_nted p_rt of a scene ot_ [_[:)-ItAM
disc, divi0e the scene fl_t, an0 thet_ delete the
Linneeess_ part (_ee page __7).
• I__Lt delete all data ot_ 0i_c e_ _rd, it_i_i_lizin_ the disc
er card will be recommended (_ee page _35).
• I_the time of _eleted _o_t_ (s_ills) is q_ite sherl, the
remait_in_ [_ee space of0isc m_ not increase inthe _i_c
Or_rd n_m_init_ in0ic_to_
• The locked _o_n_ ot_cord c_not be deleted (_ee pa_e
• I_evea one play listhas been_¢_e_te_+nne*sage _arne
scenes on I_[_yList will _e _eIetsd. Delete _ocenes?°will
appear _rs OeleUag scene(s). This message will
appear _ea if the *co an(s) 1_be deleted i$t_el _*e_ in
the_rrespontJingplatlist.lathiscase,cheese "YES"
and thenpress the I_/11 b_e_.
C?_oose "NO _to caxmel
After Yes or No settir_g, the _'l)elete Scene"
screen will be restored,
Repe_t steps 5 and _ to delete other scenes,