Disc8rror has o_lrrsd. The disc may be dirty.
Formatting is noi Remove lhedisc andwip8off fingerprints, d_lsl,eic. beforerevising
corhpleie, it, r_r_lsearTolhsrdisc. 82, "135
This messag8 rnayalso appear ifyou inserl a di_ for which
rorrn_;iirTgw_s inlerrupisd midw_y. Inihis case, us8 arTcthsrdisc.
Disc8rror has occ_rrsd. Disc error could have occurred durirTg8ditirTgof scenes.
Keep disc inside & T_IrrToFrth8_/D videocarhera!rscordsrwith the discbsing ussd irT 43
rsstart, it, conneci AC adapi_r/charger, and then powerihe I_'D vider_
¢_T=er_dr_cord_ragain•R_pair _ sc_r_s will b_ lri_d.
Disc error. • Use _inolher disc.
• See *3 on p_ge "17"1. 25, 82
• _ism_ich in recording in_ormalior_may b_ ¢_used by ediiir_g
done on _om_d_vico other than Ibis _¢E)vid8ocarneralrecorder.
Initializeth_ disc or L_se_nolher disc•
• Initializingihe disc willerase _dldata on ii.
"DISC ERROR°app8_ If_L_h_ve wrii_-p_otacied adisc usir_gthe write-proi_ctsetling iool
when an atternpito 01¢PTOOL1Ihal isequipped with ihe LJDFdriver contained on the
r_lee_sewrita-proi_ct is CD-RO_ provided wiih lhis _/D video ¢arhe_recor_er, _u
rhade. ¢_nnot release lhe wrii_=prolecl or_this I_'D video caner'a!
recorder asi& Llseihe write-protactseLtir_giool onPCto rele_se ihe
Disc Full.Cannot Delete ur_necessary scenes beror8 using Ibis disc, or us8 another _1"1
.e.xec_I8. disc.
Disc h_s no data. This rr_essagewill appsar when an atterhpt is rr_edeto e_cule
playbackor ediiing on Disc Navigation with no scer_8recorded.
Disc has r_oPlay List. 8witching o_play list was selected with no play lisi stored. _27
Disc irtcludes prolecied The disc may be so_Lwe[reproiscted Froma d_rvicecthsr than this
scarabs.Delele scarabs? DVDvideocarhere_rscordsr. TOrelse[seIbis c_[se,us8 adevico that
has executed so_Lwe[rs-protect.
Discis _ull.Canr_ol add The number o_8niered scenes has reached lh8 Iirnilthat car_ be
conh'ol into. 8niered, so ihe conlrol inrorrnaiior_ forgenerating ih_rhbnails 11_, "118
c_[nnotde added.
Combin8 severedscones or dalai8 iherrL
Disc is noi forrhatted. • Has the disc beer_iniUalizedor_a PC?
Forrr_at638discnow? Choos8 '_(ES_and iniUaliz8Ihe disc when using il onthis EIV'D
vidso carhsralrecorder. Ir_iliali_e[tior_willdeleta aIIdata on ihe disc.
• See *2 on page "17"1.
DPOF is nct seito a This message will appsarwher_"Slide 8h_w: DPOF" isspsci_sd for _39
scer_8, ihe card io which DPOF was r_olset.
DPOF scenesover lirhit. The maximum n_rr_berof sc_nesforwhich DPOF can b_seiis 999.
Cannoi set DPOF _20
Drive overheal. Pleas8 The iemperalure inside ihe _/D video c_[rr=eredrscordsris ioo high,
r81_3'taCsr, and reading or va'iCir_gof 638dala on disc rr=aynot be psr_ormsd
normally. 48
T_rr_lhe IA.'D video camsra!recorder off and waii rot a whils. The
Ismpe_[iure will be8f_ecUvelydecreased ifthe DVDvideo camsra!
recorder is placed ina wellw'eniilatedspol.