Cautions When Using
Handle the liquid crystal display (LCD) with care:
• The ],CD is a very delicate display (lev'Lce: I)o riot press its su _ace with force, ldt it or _rick it with a
s_l_ri3 Object,
• _fyou pus] Ithe LCD su _:ace, u_leve_l_iess _n displ_; t_i_; occur. If uxleveIlrl_ss does _lot disappear soon,
tux'_]tlle I)VI) xddeo cameralrecor(ler off, wait ff._r a few mo_n_rtt_> _ld tlle_l tus_l it o_] again.
• Do riot place the DVI) video carnerai_co_Jer wit]i t71#opt_Ii LCI) sceeeri dowrL
• Close tlle LCI) morlitor wheri Iiot using the DVD video camera/recorder,
Liquid crystal display (LCD) and viewfinder:
• The I,L'.Dscreen and viswfinder are the prod ucts oflfighJyprecise technolo__O_,At_iong tlle totat _umber
of pixe/s (a_pri.lx, 120,000 pixe/s for I:C.I)rnmlitor arid approx. ] {0,000pLxels if.it view_i_lder), 0,01% or
less pixels may lie missing _lack clots) or may rem_m ]it as colored dors (red, blu e, green), _[his shows
tlle ]iJnitations of the cu_rerlt techrlolo_¢, _ld does Iiot tr_dicate a £huJI that will ]nte_ere with recording,
• _le I:CD scree_l _tld vie_,_i_lder will be slightly dirrener thae_ usuat wheri the DVI) video camera/
recorder is at low terrl_oerature, as _rlcold areas, or irnrrlediately after i3ower is turned o_l. Normal
brightrless will be restored w_len tile te]nperatu_ ixlside tile I)V] ) video camera/recorder rises.
Hold the DVD video camera!recorder correctly:
• Do riot hold the viewfinder or LC.D rrlozlitor whezl LifLirlgthe I)VI] video cameralreci.l_er: _[lle
viewfirlder or LCI) morfitor ci.lLIMdetach arid the DVI) video camera/recorder may fML
Do not subject the DVD video camera/recorder to impact:
• 7_lis I)VD video ca_rlerairecorder is a precision rnachirle. T_e gre_t care that you do riot str Lkeit
agairlst a h_ object or let it f_l,
• Do riot use the DVD video c_nera/reco_ er on a t_ipod iri a _lace whereit is subject to severe vibratim_s
or ]rnf_aL_,
No sand or dustI
• Mrle s_l(l or dust entering tile DVD video camera/recorder or AC adapter/charger could cause
rll_llfLIrl_iorls or de_%cts.
No water or oilt
• Water or o_ erlterirlg tile DVI] video cartlerairecorder or AC adapter/charger could ca_lse electric
sflock, _rl_ fu21ctiOrlS or defeL_s,