
OUsing discs
DVD-RAM _Id DVD-I;_ discsareverydelicate
recording media. Carefully read the following
cautions arJd observe them;
When using disk on this DVD video camera/
recorder, be sure to keep it in Rotund DVD
ANvays use a brarJd new disc when recording
important ma_erML
i Hesure rlo_ _o toucfJ _he disc
exposed portkm, arid be
careful_hat no dirt adheres to
_tfthere Is dusL stTatch, dh_
on disc or if it is wmped, _he Do not touch
following phenomena may occur;
Be caref_lwhen removklg the disc since the
zrJetal of I'elIIOV_ slot of DVI2 video camera/
recorder, and disc itse]L may be ?3or.
OStoring discs
When stoHrlg disc, ixJse_t it irl Rouxld I)_¢I)
Holder into plastic case.
l_ecaref_lt_J_trlocondens_Uo_1occurson disc,
Do not place disc kffo]lowklg places:
- Direct sunlight for a long time
- _3_ere humtdtty is high or in dusty place
- W'ixtle thel_e is heat from a heater, et_.
See page B2 when cleaning the l_tllovs_ Oi$c.
SOOpag881 for how1_ hanOl8 di$¢ renloved _rom RO_m_CJ
DVD Ho[de_
SO0 pa_1881_orhow_oSetth8 di_._cre_oveO _o_ Round
DVD HoMer or _oihor Oisccorrectly im_Routed DVD
f_layback, or abnormal Block aoiss
- Blue thu_nbnail
d_sp]a:,, _ (I,'N.I)
- Disc carlrlO_ correct]y
be recogn_ed
- Disc canrlo_ be
-De]ay bet_veen video
and a_dio
Even if"dTsc isrlonn_, t_Je_bove phenoJnena
rr_y occasion_ ly occur. _Vtli]e t_JeACCESS/PC
indicator is IJLdo not subject disc to vibrations or
impact, and avoid using DVD video camera/
record er at extremely high or low teJnpera_uxt_.s,
or irJ envk_orlmerlt W_Jere cond ensa_ion is likely
_0 occur,
When recording irr_ages,
_he DVD video camera/
reGI.lF_ er ]I]_y iD.zoid _[le
port, otis of disc where
recording is not possible,
due _o dust, scratc]les, etc,
]t w_ll_auseOII at such a (Ro_ordie9 o_e sc_ee
port_orl and rna_,,protJu¢€rt_[liDle
auti.lJ n,_tica_y rts_st_rt lh_tro_noi[$.)
recording (1_R_¢).]
Th_s wJll cause recording to be interrupted for
several seconds to semera3 minutes, arJd tn_l_tiple
_humbn_Bls will be created by one recording
sessiori as showfl above. ]n t_JJscase, _lle
reco_able _ime on disc will decrease,