Trouble Messages
A rn_s_tag(!Ir_y a[._po_rwhil_ _u _ opor_ting th_ DVD vidoo_;_mor*_/r_6_rdo_ If _ ir_(!_go _pi3(!at_,
rmfmrto tho fol/owin_ table and take appropriate corrmvti_ action.
Messages are urranged in alphabetica! ordc_
(1) D_ia error in ap_riof Itisp_ibleih_ithesystemcar_noinorrr_dlycompta_ewriiingoFf_l_
ir_ge fie. Repair d_ia when power is iumed o_ _orsorh8 reasor_d_ring r_cordir_g or
now? _diting(detaiing, dividingorcombinir_gscenes,orcre_iir_g ptaylisi).
(2) Found error ir_irr_g_ $eleml.ir_g"YES" will automatically r_pair lh_ video rile, buCeven ff
file. Rep_ir data now? "NO" is sel_ci_d, the s_ur_messag_ will appear when ihe I_'D
(3)Data elTor in all video taffeta/recorder i8turnedon rl.exitime.{Donol r_rr_o.'efl_
im_ge file. Repair all discwhileth_DVDvid_ocam_ra!reco_derisrecogr_izingii:lgnoring
date[now? this will deactivate the file rBpair furtciion.)
Follow the ir_sir_ciions on screen, taking nol8 of lh8_ollowing
* Besure to _se ihe AC edapier/charger to power the I_'D video
camera/reco_der when repairing data: Repeir is r_otpossible
using a baller_t Ire be[de_ hes been atte[ched,turn the power
swiLch off once, conneci theAC edapiedcharger, and then start
* Deliamay r_otbe repeired, dependir_gon the iiming when powder
was iurned off.
* Daia may nol be repaired r_ormallyi_data recorded on anoiher
recorder is mixed in.
* The repaired dala may be different _romthe originel recorded
conieni because of pariial deletion of d_ecli_ poriion.
* Since ihe date,'tirre for repair is added _othe repaired delia (only
the con'ected portion for parlial repair), Ih8 original dale,'time
information will be Iosl.
* Since all movies, arid lher_all stills,are repaired, the o_dero_
recorded oonier_ will be Iosi.
(In case of message (2) (3) only)
* See "1 orl page _7"1.
(1) Discis nol _ormatied.
I_ilformata, it becorres
possible 1ousefor
(2) Howevsr,when you
record _romPC
connection ierminal,
please do not _ormat.
(3) Forrrel lh8 disc now?
I_'D- R disc ihat was noi ir_itializ_dfor c_[merause was inserted.