6 Ifyou do riot w_sh to char3ge the folder name,
click _'Ne.xt°,
I ..... O
9 If your PC uses Vg_ldows _ XP/98 Second
EdiUorliMe, a message that prompts you m
re.star_ w_l] appear: Click _'Fir3Tsh° aIKlthe.r3
re.star_ the. PC,
InstalLing tile. UDF drive.r is r_ow comp]e.te,
Ifyour PC uses Windows _ 2000 Pro_ssior_3,
t_rocee.d with step I 0.
COrlfinll Click
7 Check tile. displaye.d conte.r3ts, a_d tf3erl click
I------ O
8 Inst_latior_ will starL When installation _s
complete., some notes w;l] appear: Check the
conte.nts, _d tf_er_click *x" at the top right of
The corlte.nts displayed or3actaat screen may be
dtff:e_rlt from those _xlthe f_gure,
,-_L; o". ....
Co3firm Clir.,_
1OlfyoLIr PC usesWir_dows_ 2000 Professior]_, a
me_ssage, a_r_oux_C;rlg tile. start for de.te.cting
device will appear: Click qqnfsh ° to start tf]e
de.te.ctior_ of device.,
I$may take several rrfinute.s for PC to detect tile.
de.v;ce, When d_e.ction of the device is
cor_pl_e., ar_eossage,that promptsyou to restart
will apse.at: CLick _Yes_to restart the I_C,
InstalLing the.UI)F drive.r is r_ow comp]e.te,