Checking Provided Accessories
Mak(! sure that you ha_,_ ullthe followin_ ucce,_ofics in pack_ge:
3at_r_ (modsl DZ_BP14S):
:_3i-._JOL= p_,_ r _Jppy "o_th!_ E_JD _ide_
_tn_l'_V'e_rd_=_ Cha'_e it b_rJ_ JSe
AC ad_ptsrlcharger {mod_l DZ-AC$1):
_._ to _ tll_= [_,tD _d_o _l_l_ "_J
i_c_rd_r _Ol_l AC outl_ or L_l_'_e bs_
=Y#,v_r (;abl_:
_rne_t bet_en household AC oLit_ _Jnd
_C _a_/charg_r.
_.Vl8 input/output _abls:
Js_ w_en viewing _e _ _ture "_l_l _<
_itlgle_ided 8 (;m DV[_RAM dis_ {in
• ound DVD Holder):
Infrared remote co_rol
11odel DZ-RM3W):
_hould_r str_p:
S_tw_m CD-ROM:
video .%'ll-ie'_recol_r _ P_
DC pow_ cord:
_,_=n pc_l'ir 9 _e CVC video _'_'n_r_
_'_e __1-_ hc_sehold AC outleL L_= _'ti_
Lithklm b_ter_ (mod_l C R2_25):
TOp_'w_ th_ "emote _t'ol
a pl_y_i_ar
in_m_i_ly _or
PC _onn_;tion _._ble:
Use _is _31_ '_11_n _nn_J th_ --_--)
vi."eo c_Jl%=raP_rd_r _o FC.
The pr_ide0 singleside0 DVI_RAM di_¢ is not _el_erally avai[able in shop_: When purchasing a 0i_¢, order a 6Gv
minute double_i_ed disc (2._GB, i_ RoLind DVD Holder}.
ec_.M_xe[I DV_-RAM Cam€order Di_¢ 2._GB _ou_d Hel_er Type (item #567_20}