car beJse6onlhi_,
_ vdeocanler"_
eHandling card
i I)o not use cards other t_ar_
the desikvlated ones. I[JUUUUUUUL
HeSu_ to tLse a l_rarld flew
Cardwhe_lrecordi_lgvit_ II
itx_ages. II
1)onot touch the card I[
ten ntTralor allowit to toLIch
metal, Termfna[
• 1)ozlot paste art)_d_ng other
tha_ exclusive label oil label pasti_lg po_iorL
• 1)o not subject card to impact, berld or drop it,
• I)o not disassemble card or modify it.
• 1)o not expose card to water.
• 1)o r_otuse or store card k; the fbllowir_g places:
- Where the tet_perattxe is ?ffgh, such as in
velficle at ]figh temperatures, under bLwnirlg
sur_ or r_ear a heater.
- Where humidity is hiL_l, or kl d Llsty place
• _V[']ent_]_erasur_ FJ_ve_tt[oIlsw[tc]i0_]SI_
memory can.t is locked, r;o recordklg, deletior; or
edttir;g will be possible on the ca_.t.
Er88_re _e_io_
_Common cautions fordisc and card
• It is recommer_ded that you create abackuZ; file
for valuable data on hard disk of PC.
• I)o r;ot do the followk_g, or the data on card may
be damaged or lost:
- 12orl_t ret_ove the card or tu_ DVD v;deo
card,era/recorder off duri_g readi_g or
writing of data
- I_o _ot use I)VD video camera/recorder in a
place subject to static e]ectr;city or electrica_
• This I_JD vi{te_ Career"Mrec_r_er can play b_ck image
_al_ re_Je_ on other di£ital e._mer_s c_l_formil_£_o
the DCF ([3esi£n r_le for Camera File system) s_n{ta_J.
The range of image data p[_ab[e oa 6_is DVD vi_eo
e._mer_,_ec_ _Jeris that with pixels_om BOhorizontal
60 vertical :o 4000 berizol_tal × 3000 verlical.
• DCF is aa il_ta__ta_ image fie fore,at of digital
cameras: Image fle_ c_n be used Onall digitaldevio_
ce_ormin£ to DOE
• Image data e{ti_ed On PC a_d o_rtail_ _pe_ o=image
_al_ nl_y _o_ be visible o_ this DVD video c_mer_ _
• The image dat_ reco_Jed onal_other device may _ol be
playable on this DVD vi_eo camer_'_ecercie_