* Disc e._Iill70t _e tinsel_EKIOrrI_mc_,'_ L,iiTle$__'tchar_ed
barry or AC _dal_erlehar_er is conaeotag 1_the DVD
video CallleF_c_r_e_
, If a _ischar_ed bakery is _sed, the dfs¢ cal_not I_e
il_$erted or renloved: C_m_eot a Charge_ i3a_erg orAC
_daptericharger _ the [:Tv_Dvideo c_me_ire_rde_
* See page _ _r how [o set disc in _O_l_d DVD Holde_
, Ifthere is some _el0y be_re re_rding s_rts, refer to
"Check 4" on page 163.
* The _is¢ f_seriio_ Odel_tatfen isp_etermil_ed: Forcibly
il_$e_J_g _ disc i_ wrong orie_t_gOl_ c_ld _m_'_le the
DVD video CallleF_c_r_e r or h_oLl_dDVD Heifer of
* If the disc fs _oi correctly inselte_, the ¢_ver will not
Close. Never try to _ib[y close the ¢_ver: This COLI[_
cause _amage. Refnser_ the disc pr_perl_
* If a si_g[_sid_ disc isf_ser_ed il_l_DVD video CallleF_
feces'Jet with the prfnie(I I_be[ _cf_g the inside, al_error
message win appea_ Rem_e the disc _d _il_$er t ft
wi_h i_s rec_r_il_g_layback si_e _cfng the inside. See
"Trouble Mes,sages ° ol_ page 165.
* _h_ using doublg-_id_d disc
Rec_rdiag is possible ol_ I_othsides of ag_ble_side_
_i$c. However, when _r_i_g or p[_ack o_ one si_e
is fil_ishag, rec_rdf_g or playback will a_ move
_Lliomagc_lly to the _her si_e. Remove the _isc o_o_
from the [2h_Dvideo CallleF_c_r_er, t_n__er the _is¢
il_h_o__d DVD _older an_ insert ft ag_il_ for _gn_ed
OWhen using brand-new DVD-R disc
_ecogrfit]on of the disc will
The Jnessageos on the r_ght
wJl] appear irI seqLlerlCe by
pre_ixlg the I_/11 btt_OlI
be_een t_mssages.
When recording on
this DVD video
_;.a_ t 3s;
_Vhe_l final message
"_orma_ _he disc now7"
appears, choose "YES" and
_llen press _lle k/ll b uttI.lxl.
The d_sc will be
automatically forrtla_ted,
Whe_l fom_iattirlg is
corr p e_e " )V )- _ disc F
Video rr,,.;de caz,rlot be' /
changed" w_l] appear {see /I _0,_ _'°d',_n:_'_
page _69): pre_ the _1o |]
btttto_i to erase _1i_fflessag_. /
Once fbnrlatted, a I)VI)-I_ Lt_
disc can no longer be
changed _o a disc for PC, everI if it flas not beex_
recortled on this I)_¢D video camera/recorder.
See page 96 lot movie q_ality mode.
When recording data from PC:
While the above messages are being d_sp]ayed,
pre_ the • button, or when message _Fort_iatthe
disc now'?_appears, choose "NO" arid then press
the kill buttozL
Howevec,[f"datafrom PChasnot yet been
recorded, the d_sccan be made usable on this I)_¢I)
video camera/recorder, Wheri insertirlg the disc
into this DVO video ca_rlerairecorder, the same
message will appear: Ifyou wis?_to use it on this
I)VD video c_r_erairecorder, choose "YES%
DO I_O[f_ifialize a disc Onwhich ye_ wish to recor_ _aM
c_atecJ using the applic_en (MyDVD) of PC.