]is¢ co_r cannot be Isdi_ ¢on'ecl.ly inserted?
_los8_. Was disc ir_sertedfrom wror_gdireclior¢? 44
Remove the di_ and then r_inserl it.
Isdi_ inseri_d ir_wrong orienteiion? 44
Remove the _is¢, arid lhen reinseri ii.
Conr_s¢l.e_fully ¢he_rgsdbattery or AC adaplerlcharger, and then
lurn th_ DVD vi_8o ¢amer_r_corder on. 39, 43
Cover will r_otopen. Did you disconnecl the datlery orAC adapi_dcharger _uring
remo_'alof di_? Recor_ne¢lihe batte_ orAC adapter!ch_rg_r, and 40, 43
lhen tertl the DMDvideo carreralrecor_ 8r on.
Op_mtir_gso_n_ isheard This so_n_ ish_ardbecause ihedisc is_.,clically operated_nddoes
=yclically. r_otindical8 _ fault.
Sorn_vibr_iliorls are f_li These vibr_iiions or sourld_ir8caused I_.,disc dri_'e:This doe-sriot
mrslighi souredis heard in_icate a rauli.
_rot II f_ohanist II.