15. Movie rec_rdhtg qtt_ty
_only when using disc) _._6)
XTRA : I_i qu_lltly (tlrfiy when using ])V] )-
I,FCM : i_[ _ludio qualiiy (orfiy wh_l using
I)VI)-R dia:)
I(INE : IItgh qualiiy
S'II) : $_alld_lid quali_y
16.Rernai_tg spac€ on disc/t_ti _
Ii_lUt_ dU_T_g Tnovi(_
RI_2V__L,X_8 : Numbs' of I_l:_Iil_il_g
17.Remai_g battery level {E42)
Still recording qu_li_
(only when using card) (P.97) r-
FINE : I{igh quali_y _
NOR]V_ : Sta_ldaid qu_t]_ty _-(Iow _ma_zlg chal_go)
ECO : Numl_' of z_o_]al)le _lil_ _
18._ghtne_s/Color tiensiCy ofLCD $twcen or
Volume _P. Sg, 101)
3_e volume canI_,adjusted duri:_g c__t_'ll_
i:_pu_ mId playl_ick,
"1 El8 ¢a_01 be uset_whe_3re_rdi_g $ii115O_ DZ-MVSBOA.
*2 Not t_isplayed on D_IV]VS_A. Di_play_l oa DZ-MV_80A only whea _ E)VD_RAI_I t_is¢ is usetJ in Ihe movie
reco _il_ motto.
*3 Not t_isplayed on D_'550A.
*4 When i_odi$¢ or card is i_the E)VE)vit_o ¢_morMrc_:ler, Or tJi$¢h_ i_ot _i _:eel_i_iti_liz_:l, a write_prote_t_
di8¢ Or [ock_:l card, or _ t_is¢or ¢a_ wiU_i_o remaining Spa€o, h_$ b_ il_$e_d.
*_ When a tJi$¢or card _ ¢al_oi bo u$cd il_this DVD video ¢_mora/rc_:ler i_ i_$er_otJ
*6 NO remaining time Or i_umber will _:edisplayod with _ prote_tet_ disc or locked card, or f'_alized 13VI3_Rdisc.
*7 h_XTRA mode, possible recording _me m_ be Iol_er than Ihe tJi_p[ayet_ time.
*_ The displayed _um_:er Of record_:[e 8_[1_is for reierel_r_: Thi_ numbor may _01t_cr_se, depending o_ the
rec¢ _il_ ¢ondilion_ 0_ot di_p[ay_ with _ DVD_R t_i_¢}.
eSwitching the information display mode
You ca_ switch the display J:]ode of o_sccee_ i_ffort_al_o_:
3he full a_ld mb_rnum display modes w_ll alteri_ale,
• Full display l]_ode: Ati D,f_es of: _rffbrmation will appear,
• Minimum t_splay mode The recordir]g]:]ode (see _ o:] _age
52) and zecord_ng status (see 12 on page 52) will appear, ]fl_]e
I)VI) video cameraizecoz_er ?]aswar_lii_g i:]fi.lr t_alioi_, a wari_[ng t_mssage witi @pear,
The DVD videocarner_,rer_or_Jerdoe_ nolrecordthe da_eaadtime_s aparlofimage.H_r,,o r,thisinformaUo_d_dng
nec_rdingwilli_ereco_etJwilhimage a_ datawhich can i_eChecked oa E)i_¢N_vig_tion8¢neei_dLirin_p[_yi_acK(_ee
=[i_forrn_ionE)ispl_yDuringF%_yi_acK_on p_e 62).